Editorial foreword by Raphael J. Heffron & Marcin Kraśniewski



 Jakub Kmieć, Energy Communities in EU Energy Regulation

Valeriia Lymar, Energy Security of Ukraine: External Threats from the Russian Federation

Rudiger Tscherning and Jesse Dias, Emerging Clean Energy Choices in Canada’s Net-Zero 2050 Transition: The Role of Nuclear in the Low Carbon and Clean Hydrogen Context

Robert Zajdler, EU Energy Solidarity as a Way of Implementing Just Transition in Energy Policy

Michał Domagała and Katarzyna Maćkowska, The Road to Energy Justice as a Result of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Energy Policy Field

Katarzya Klafkowska-Waśniowska and Katja Weckström, Online Intermediaries and Sustainable Market Regulation – a Smart Mix of Liability and Exemptions


Alba Ribera Martínez, The Court of Justice Kicks Around the Dichotomy Between Data Protection and Competition Law: Case Comment of the Preliminary Ruling in Case C-252/21 Meta Platforms v. Bundeskartellamt

Laura Zoboli,The Behaviour of Dominant Firms and the Principle of Equal Opportunities: Lessons From the SEN Antitrust Saga. Case Comment to the Servizio Elettrico Nazionale Judgment of the Court of Justice of 12 May 2022, Case C-377/20


Ioannis Lianos, Alexey Ivanov, Dennis Davis (ed.), Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 642 pages. Reviewed by Magdalena Knapp


Articles in YARS 2008–2023





Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies,
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management

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