- Editorial foreword
- In Memoriam of Professor Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka
- Andrzej Nałęcz, Empowering the ‘Unempowerable’. Behavioural Insights into Informing Consumers about Internet Access Services in the European Union under Regulation 2015/2120
- Tihamér Tóth, Life after Menarini: The Conformity of the Hungarian Competition Law Enforcement System with Human Rights Principles
- Paulina Korycińska-Rządca, Europeanisation of the Polish Leniency Programme
- Maria Elisabete Ramos, Private Enforcement and Opt-out System Risks, Rewards and Legal Safeguards
- Dominik Wolski, Can an Ideal Court Model in Private Antitrust Enforcement Be Established?
- Zbigniew Jurczyk, The Influence of Economic Theories and Schools on Competition Law in terms of Vertical Agreements
- Kamil Dobosz, The Concept of Unity in the Competition Law System
- Marek Rzotkiewicz, Article 108(2) TFEU as a Tool for the Commission to Bypass Article 258 TFEU Proceedings
- Oles Andriychuk, (Why) Did EU Net Neutrality Rules Overshoot the Mark? Internet, Disruptive Innovation and EU Competition Law & Policy
- Patrycja Szot, Ana Amza, Marketplaces Restrictions and Selective Distribution after Coty Germany
- Dragan Gajin, What’s New in Western Balkans?
- Marta Michałek-Gervais, Recent Developments Regarding the Conduct of Dawn Raids in Poland. The Case of Subsequent Searches of Copied IT Data
- Alexandr Svetlicinii, The Judicial Review of the Standard of Proof in Cartel Cases: Raising the Bar for the Croatian Competition Authority Case comment to the Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia No. U-III-2791/2016of 1 February 2018 (Sokol Marić d.o.o.)
- Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk, Koncentracja w formie wspólnego przedsiębiorstwa a ryzyko konkurencyjne w świetle prawa antymonopolowego [The concentration in the form of a joint venture and the competition risk in the light of antimonopoly law], C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2017, 304 p.
Reviewed by Anna Piszcz - Security, regulation and competition of the energy market – 2nd National Academic Conference, Łódź, 26 April 2018
Reported by Mateusz Czuba, Marcin Kraśniewski, Michał Pytkowski - Fifth National Academic Conference ‘Consumer in the Rail Passenger Market’, Łódź, 9 May 2018
Reported by Marcin Kraśniewski - 8th International PhD Students’ Conference on Competition LawBiałystok, 10 October 2018
Reported by Radosław Niwiński - Articles in YARS 2008–2018
- Entire Volume